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Review: Magic Hair Removal Wand

Im here again for another beauty find!...& of course, an in depth review of it...

When i watched julieg713's video about the epilator, i got so curious & decided to see if we have it here in the Philippines...So i checked Ebay first & i keep on seeing this spring-like hair remover & wanted to try out for myself too.

Then when the lovely Tamara showed her haul one day & she got this, my curiosity doubled & ask her to actually review it. ..& she did a review....click HERE to read it.

Marvi of http://magichrwand.multiply.com/ is selling it & asked me to do a review of it...& boy was i so glad!

Now let's start this...

These days going hair-free is a step on being hygienic & clean-looking...
There are lots of ways to achieve a hair-free body...We can shave, wax, pluck, laser & a couple more...

Now i have tried shaving.....plucking...hair-removing cream...& recently, waxing, in removing unwanted body hairs... But when it comes to facial hairs, i always make sure that i pluck or thread because i wanted to get to the 'root' of the hair instead of just cutting it by shaving it...i can't wax it since i have acne..i don't want it to cause any complications on my skin...

Now I hate hate hate having facial hairs on my upper lip & chin area....it makes me feel like a guy! So no matter how painful it is, i would just endure it all for the sake of beauty...
the things we endure just to be 'beautiful'...but as what the saying goes..."no pain, no gain"

Of course it's painful...how can it not be!
Plucking the hairs one by one is as painful as being pricked by the needle...one at a time..ouchy!

But then those were my "pre-magic hair removal wand" days....
Now i can remove the facial hairs with less pain compare to plucking! yay for that!

Time to introduce you to my new baby...

The Magic Hair Removal Wand

For some reason i thought that this is actually small..i don't know why...hehe
This is the back carton

please translate it to me if you can...hehe

Now on to the review...

I just read the whole description & tried it...I thought that it would be a complicated or anything, but when you think about it, its actually pretty simple...You just bend the spring, then the hairs will be trapped on it, then when you straighten it out, the hairs will just be pulled out.You'll really feel the hairs being pulled out of the roots...which i really like because i can tell that it works...

When you take a look at it right after you use it, you would see the little hairs that are trapped in between the spring. Much as i would like to show you the hairs that was pulled but my crappy camera is not up to little, up-close jobs like this (-__-")...

but trust me when i say that this pic is how it actually works

See that? You would really see the roots of the hairs that was pulled out!

When you open the spring, the hairs will be stuck in between & will be taken out! This is best to use with short hairs.

I actually think that threading is more painful compare to this....because in threading, the hairs are being twisted to the thread in order to lift it, therefore putting more force compare to this....also, in threading, there is a chance that the hairs would be cut, instead of being pulled from the roots...therefore doubling my job by me plucking afterward...double ouch!

You can watch the video...its easy to use!!!!!!!

if you can't watch it...click THIS

What's great about this is that its very easy to use & if you get the hang of using this, you can even use this without looking at the mirror at all...plus its not tiring....unlike self-threading..

I used to self-thread but its tiring!

Just make sure that the surface is clean before you start working. Just like plucking, it might be painful on the 1st use, but when you're used to it, it's as easy as breeze! I even use this without looking at the mirror....while i am watching TV...I just need to look at the mirror if i am using this removing hairs between the brows or anything that would require extra caution...but other than that, this is really very easy!

Ok, im pretty sure you get the gist of how it works,right?

  • convenient
  • easy to use
  • less painful
  • cheap
  • can last a long time if taken care of properly
  • have to be careful in storing it because you don't want the spring to be loose (though this is an unlikely scenario)
  • only for facial use
You can clean it by just wiping it with an alcohol-ed towel, then wiping it dry again. Make sure that your face is clean & oil-free so to make it more effective...anyway, this is really the rule in removing hairs,right?...for it to be oil-free to make it easier.

For those who are interested in purchasing one for yourself, you can buy it at Marvi's store for only Php280...pretty cheap,right? Think of all the money that you are gonna be saving instead of going to a salon to have a facial wax done...

With proper care, this tool can last for a long time, so this is a nice tool to have with you in the long run... So achieving a hair-free face is as easy & cheap as it can get!

If you have used this, tell me what you think of it,k?
It's already friday...almost the weekend...whoopee!


*i edited this..hehe

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