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I wonder

In this part of I wonder, there has been this observation of mine that I have been very curious about. Recently, I shared this observation of mine with a fellow friend and it seems like he noticed it too. It is about the choice of partners in some people. I have written before that when you go around town, you always notice that people are paired up with those who do not seem to be their equals. Pretty girls with ugly guys and such things.

I also noticed that, amongst Malays only in Malaysia here, there seems to be a tendency for people of different girth pairing up. Usually the sight I encounter is a thin Malay guy with a fat Malay girl. No other combinations. Now, this is odd as you don't really see this amongst the Chinese or Indians. Well, among the chinese, the ah bengs with the ah lians, the nerds and the nerdier but to name a few. Indians, I don't know =)

So, any reasons why Malays have this tendency? I'm not being discriminative or racist okay =)

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