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Keeping the Faith

The friend and I were talking, and we both said we loved to mow lawns.  Something about the never mowing in the same direction, walking in aeration golf boots, getting the right height for the type of grass... all that stuff.  It was a good thing too, since her husband would scalp they're lawn within an inch of it's life, and the Cowman's idea of lawn mowing was to open the gate, run some horses in and close the gate.

My friend had a neighbor with a husband who needed a swather to mow their lawn, if he ever got motivated enough.  So his wife decided she would do the lawn mowing.  She was good at it, but not too up on equipment maintenance. One normal summer day in RB, with the temp around 110, my friend and her hubby were passing the neighbor's yard.  There she stood trying to pull start her old mower.   Yank...Yank...Yank... Nothing, followed by more Yanking and more Nothing.  My friend's husband offered to go home and get their mower.  "No thanks" she said, while staring at her old mower.  Suddenly she bent over, slapped the top of the mower with both hands and shouted at the top of her lungs... "In The Name of Jesus!" The whole neighborhood fell silent.   She calmly yanked the starter rope, the engine fired and off she went to mow...

There are still miracles out there, we just have to keep the faith.

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