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Austrian Command WIP

Our Austrian command figures arrived the other day, 2 hours before I headed out for work. I was tempted to clean them up as I knew it would be a few days before I would get a chance however I resisted.
When Cameron and I played the other night we had to use Prussian brigade commanders and CnC so I was determined that by the next time we play the Austrians will be all Austrian (except for the Saxons ;0)
So I bashed together a Battle Honor's CnC with 1 added AB figure on BH horse (can you spot him? Na I wouldn't be able to either as they are exactly the same size and style). There is a wee French casualty added to.
1st of the brigade commands. I know almost nothing of Austrian general uniforms other than the pics I have seen on line so my apologies if they are wrong.
And the 2nd. I still have to block in a few areas as well as paint the bases once the sand is dry the apply Army Painter.
I didn't take a photo of the whole group before starting painting but this is Cameron's batch. Swapped in a few different horses as almost all the horses were in boring poses.
Cameron bought a brigade of OG German grenadiers from Robert to start him off, I cleaned this lot up and hit them with AP before detailing them. The turned out not bad at all and when Cameron finished the ground work the will fit in with his army.
This is a little side project that I would have finished long ago if not for the Kutuzov figure I converted. I have never like the head on the AB Kutuzov figure and found a great head on 1 of the early AB Prussians. I clipped his hat off, drilled and pinned him as well as adding the soft cap in hand. The block I have is the sash and medals etc, I have never seen Kutuzov wear his sash on this side of his body and it bugs me as I don't know what colour to do it. My buddy has suggested blue silk, If you have the answer please let me know and also I am not sure if I should add eppaulettes, I guess if he has all the medals he should have the eppaulettes to? I also did a couple of other head swaps, I'm chuffed with the mounted guard officer.

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