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Yet More Library Books..........

..................I really need to get reading!

I'm blaming my new obsession with Inspector Montalabano  and then his younger version. There's no way I can read a book and subtitles on the TV too.

These reservations were ready at Debenham library for me to pick up on Saturday.

Mike Hollow is an author I discovered at the end of last year when I read The Blitz Detective, the first in a series that were originally published in 2015/6 but then reprinted with new jackets in 2020. The two above are numbers 3 and 4 in the series as oddly the library don't have the 2nd. I don't think it will matter as they are individual stories. From Fantastic Fiction I found that he has two more being published this year.

The book by Julie Wassmer is the 7th in the Whitstable Pearl series set in that town on the north Kent coast. Pearl splits her time between her sea-food restaurant and being a private investigator.

At the bottom of the pile is another book about sustainability with ideas for ditching plastic etc, etc. I found I'd borrowed it before. It's quite basic, it will go straight back.

Back Tomorrow 

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