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Ten Grand Tallulah and Temptation by Carter Brown

"Stick around me boy and I'll have you up to your neck in folding stuff."
Anybody want to buy a folding rope?

Johnny Spade, gambler by nature, busted cop by profession. Present occupation? Headed for skid row on greased boots, until he slid up against Ten Grand Talluluh. She was dynamite in a gown fitted like a rubber mould. A fortune in hard cash and his markers back, she wanted Johnny to locate 100 grand's worth of hot diamonds. And so he became Johnny Diamond, ex con, fresh out of Sing Sing on a 7 year stretch. The hometown boys were just crazy to help him, but maybe they had not heard that blunt instruments went out with flat chested floozies on his head, he was a natural for the headshrinker, until they called the hearse.

Printing History

Horwitz Publications
Numbered Series #45 (1957)
Second Collectors' Series Volume 2 #1 (1959)

Revised as The Scarlet Flush
Character changed to Mike Farrell

Printing History

Horwitz Publications
Numbered Series #113 1963
International Edition Series #44 1964

New American Library
Signet Books
G2365 October 1963
T5276 1972

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