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Owen Shroyer of Info Wars destroys the fuck out on the fuck face of Bill Gates

     Bert Berg
    Bill Gates is an a old monopolist son of a donkey, bitch,and pig a man so rotten and corrupt he actually seeks complete subjugation of the human race. With this in mind young budding Info Wars Alex Jones wannabee Owen Shroyer took to the airwaves of his own growing and popular news brand and blasted the old asshole of Bill Gates a new one. Owen Shroyer told Bill to go away and that nobody likes you Bill screaming at the top of his lungs why this old rich fuck keeps meddling in everyday humanity and the ego and sickness of pieces of shit like Bill Gates is all that is wrong with the world. Bill Gates has been planing and talking of pandemics as with his resources and this of other she long ago sought to hold capitalism hostage and countries under a new type of terror with creation of pandemics and he and his vaccines that will kill many more people to the rescue.
How this old piece of human fecal matter as Owen says keeps getting promoted  as some heath expert is alarming and should be seen as a threat as this old piece of shit wants to vaccinate and implant people with all sorts of tracking devices for the benefit of this evil oligarch. Bill Gate sis the epitome of fucking evil and depravity of power . Bill Gates has been funding study and research through his foundation and basically promotes vaccines a she will make a fortune and both Own and Alex Jones have talked about how Bill Gates goes into these rural African villages with his vaccines and puts them into people and months later the village is a fucking ghost village. Bill Gates rose to prominence though theft and deception with his Microsoft as one of the world biggest businessmen bamboozles and this man is on par with Hitler if not worse. Tbe Microsoft software monopolist even had a practice drill last November of a pandemic and this man is spreading the concept that there is another virus rival to the flu bug that is killing people in order to prop up authoritarian heath fascism and his future vaccines . Bill Gates needs to be watched and called out for his role in this pandemic as he seeks greener fortunes for himself with his unbelievable  total greed and egomania that has driven this guy to be so ruthless in business and proud of it and men like Bill Gates are on par with the rulers of totalitarian states in their wickedness and ideology and Shroyer and others wish for this ugly Chick nobbled neck cretin to go away with his fucking vests and sweaters.

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