MAC's Hey, Sailor collection contains a full color collection and then a series of matching bags. We are going to start with the bags part of this collection since I find them adorable and I bet that they will sell out early. I am willing to bet that these bags will be online or free-standing store only, since my local Macy*s counter very rarely carries all the accessories to match the limited edition collections. I first saw these bags up on the Temptalia blog and I fell in love with them at first sight!
This collection consists of two new bags, one that is a makeup bag and the other one that is a full size tote bag. I want both of these but if I had to choose, I would chase after the tote first because it is just so adorable! "Join the crew of the sailor-inspired elite with beach-bound essentials inspired by the glam of of vintage pink-up girls and sexy sailors. Set your style on course with the limited edition Gone Sailing Tote and Makeup Bag Set." I am adding these bags to my shopping list!
Here are is the bag collection of the Hey, Sailor! collection...
Gone Sailing Makeup Bag Set - Join the crew of the sailor-striped elite with the Gone Sailing Makeup Bag Set. Both in navy-and-white striped canvas, featuring bright red patent edges and gold rope hardware closures. Small 4" x 5.5". Large 5.375" x 10.5".
Gone Sailing Tote -Set your style on course with this canvas tote. Sailor stripes, gold grommets, gold rope closure, and a navy faux leather base bring chic on board while the Op-art twist is, of course, all MAC. One size: 10" x 20". Limited edition.
I love, love, love the Gone Sailing Tote! This bag has the potential to be a staple in my summer bag wardrobe, I can take it to the beach or for a lazy shopping weekend. It is too casual for work but it is pretty much perfect for anything else that this summer can throw at me. If I have the funds to buy both the products in the collection than I will be using the makeup bags all year round, even though I tend not to always carry full makeup bags around with me, I will make an exception for bags this cute!
Onto the Bronzing part of the Hey, Sailor! collection! I have been looking forward to the bronzers from this collection ever since I first heard about the collection and I am so excited to look at details of the products now that they are up on the company's website!
photo courtesy of MAC
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