Ryan " Bozo' Bosworth
The Bugle podcast propaganda host and jackass Andy Zaltzman and his stupid co-host Nato Green are two propagandists from across the pond and b0oh fo thes eidiots ar eponsdscum of pliberla propaganda and libtardness. Nato Green is actually form San Francisco nd comes to Londonstan to deliver his piece of meat for the ugly Larry Fine three stooge looking bad comedican and total asshoel Andy Zatlman and we monitor the Bugle podcast and often we can often trolling this jerk. mr green, and Andy;s former logn time co-host John Oliver before he came to america to propagandize on apr for he Democratic and Chinese Communist political parties of the global world order. it is this organization that these two radical socialists Andy and nato work for and given the amount of time this dipstick Mr Zaltzman spending his
podcast and social media talking about the stupid port of Cricket one must wonder f Indian solislists and maoists are also funding for this comedian to peak his mind and push and advertise his podcast. Andy Zaltzman is a propagandist form Londonstan wishing to take as much brown and Black cricket dick in his dereoirare. Likewise his frequent guess Nato Green is a marxist pretending to be a comedian and Nato Green is such a schum he make stomachs turn and is stupider than shit and is a shit human being
deserving to live in the city of shit San francisco. Nato Green walks around all day stepping on human feces and then scrapes it off form his sho and often pick hos nose with it. Andy Zaltzman is sweating it out frightened by the possibility that his beloved boring cricket my be cancelled as the amount of Covid cases tied to this bat sport in India is staggering and royal authorities are considering whether to ban this game and whether this English Caribbean sport s is really Indian and should be played anywhere in the sub-continent.
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