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Dear Everyone;

You must all be hoping for a story of how I got caught up in a two month long venture wherein I was captured, trained, fucked and loved and abandoned, and in the end found myself Queen of a kingdom full of ogres and nudists. God, lower your expectations a little. 

I simply had no inspiration. 

Why, you most likely didn't ask?

Because I was too damned happy. My life was simply delightful. I had two weeks off, full of novels and sunshine and vector cereal. Nothing to complain about. NOTHING to write about. And no, I couldn't have written about how happy I was, and definitely NO I don't get inspiration from sunshine or breakfast foods or little kids with face paint on, (that's Canada day, from what I remember, also too many flashes of Hello Kitty accessories for a mid-sized canadian town full of white people, but bitches love overpriced kittens with bows.) so really there was nothing to do but suffer through my blissful existence, contemplating the unimportant questions like Why some authors keep their middle initials, and How long it would take Usain Bolt to get me a coffee and When did I get that bruise?

So upset had I been that I hadn't written in forever that I got into a state of sadness for just long enough to allow me to think above the sea of trivial tasks and actually write something. It's not an epic or anything, but it's more words than cereal.

365 Days of Creativity

day eighty three


Your words capture me
and kill me
Glistening, untouchable
like gasoline rainbows

Suspended in space
You're voice, still here,
not echoing, but constant
Sounds unending


Newfound respect for you.
For me.
You told me once.
And I believed.

Still believing
                     Still listening
Reassuring in it's boldness
Hovering around still
            Not still, but moving
   Always never still.

Caught, preserved, but true.
        Happening now
        Happening always
Forever is right now.
Right now is forever.

drowning in a gasoline rainbow,

           I believe

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