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Review- Magic Mike

At the Theater - Magic Mike - It took guts for a straight guy in his mid-thirties to walk up to a box-office window and order 1 (one) ticket to see this- you damned-well better appreciate it... 

All kidding aside, it's actually an entertaining and interesting little slice of life/character study/Drama powered by the dancing prowess and acting performance of Channing Tatum (I NEVER thought I would hear myself utter that last part), along with some very natural dialogue and Steven Soderbergh's efficient Direction.  Yes, there's plenty of the obligatory bare Man Ass on display (if I ever got around to shaving mine, it would hold up comparatively well), but there's also some female nudity as well- including the lovely Olivia Munn (HBO's The Newsroom) in her birthday suit.  That said, the film/story has much more going for it than just the stripping episodes- it's a helluva lot better entry than it's female counterpart films like Striptease and Showgirls.

Tatum (the titular character and an actor I previously haven't cared for) gives a surprisingly nuanced performance (leave it to Soderbergh to pull it from just about anyone)- there's a distinct possibility that he'll be be nominated for a handful of the more reputable, high-caliber awards.  I'll give him this, the dude can flat out move- I haven't seen Step Up (and don't intend to), thus I was previously unaware of how athletic he is.  Alex Pettyfer (I Am Number 4) is the young talent that "Mike" takes under his wing and introduces to the biz, where Cody Horn (FX's Rescue Me) is Pettyfer's concerned Sister and potential love interest for Mike. They're both somewhere between serviceable and good, with plenty of room to grow.  Matt McConaughey is the narcissistic club owner and legendary performer "Dallas"- yes, he does have his big moment onstage that should please those "fans" who are going just to see him.  His screen time is limited, though he'll probably receive a few nods come awards season, as well.  Other actors rounding out the strip-club crew are; Matt Bomer (USA's White Collar), Joe Manganiello (HBO's True Blood), Adam Rodriguez (CSI: Miami) and Kevin Nash (WCW's "Big Sexy").

The characters are believable and the story's involving (albeit a bit predictable here and there)- with a fair amount of glam, heart, chuckles and just enough of the "darker" side of the business to keep it honest.  Keep in mind that it's a lower-budgeted affair, maybe a bit too short for it's own good, and most of those interested should find themselves pleased.  I enjoyed it- most of it, that is... ;) 

Guys should treat their respective Gals to a showing - they might get lucky afterwards... if anything, the film should prove to be a satisfactory "Girls Night Out" flick...

8.0 out of 10

***Although it's an entirely different kind of film tonally, I liked The Full Monty (somewhat similar subject matter) a bit more.

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