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Review: Burt's Bees Ultimate Care Hand Cream

Hand cream has been a nightly staple for me for the longest time - scrubbing in for surgery regularly can certainly dry out my hands - but now that washing your hands and using hand sanitiser is in vogue, it is an essential item for just about everyone! Of course, naturally, that also means more hand cream reviews here on Temporary Princess!

I've been using the Burt's Bees Ultimate Care Hand Cream with Baobab Oil, and it delivers smooth and well moisturised skin in a flash! This comes in a tube with a flip lid, and contains 90g of product. The product itself is white, thick and creamy, bit does smooth out quite nicely. This gets absorbed really quickly, and really easily, which means that when my hands are feeling dry and uncomfortable, the relief comes rapidly.

Baobab oil, which is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, features heavily in this, and there is also Watermelon Seed oil, which I can honestly say I've never seen in any other skincare product. The packaging boasts that it has a non-greasy formula, and that is absolutely true! Unlike one of the other hand creams I've tried from the brand, this actually doesn't linger on the hands, while still leaving your skin feeling like they've been given an absolutely hydrating kiss. This also has the added bonus of having a rather fruity and slightly floral scent to it, which is very pleasant, if a little subtle.

Burt's Bees is well known for their lip products, which are pretty grand, but I want to shout louder about the wonderfulness that is their Ultimate Care Hand Cream - this stuff is brilliant and I want to get a vat of it so that I could just dip my hands into it regularly. 

What's been your best hand cream discovery over the last 12 months, and what wouldn't you use again?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration

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