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Blogmas - Beauty Goal: Masacra

At the start of 2017, I decided to branch out and try different mascaras as I was fed up of using the same one which was the Tom Ford Extreme Mascara. Don't get me wrong it was an amazing mascara but I just didn't want to continue to spend £35 on a mascara so I decided it was time to find a new alternative.

I actually started off quite well, using some iconic mascaras from Lancome and YSL but then I discovered the L'Oreal Miss Baby Roll Mascara and I was sold from then on. I continued to use it for the rest of the year because it gave me everything I wanted. I like a mascara to give me big, voluminous lashes that are slightly clumpy but not too clumpy and the L'Oreal mascara did that whilst being cheap. Compared to the Tom Ford mascara which was £35, the L'Oreal mascara is only £7.99 which in comparison is a complete bargain. I essentially fell in love with this mascara and this brought me to the end of my mascara exploration for 2017. At the start of 2018 I decided to pick it back up again and I have to say this year has been a lot more successful. Over the course of the year I have tried 10 different mascaras ranging from the absolutely awful to some gems. Today I thought I would take you through some of the best and worst mascaras of the year. 

This year I really wanted to try some iconic mascaras so I started off the year by testing the Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara. I had heard so much about this mascara and it has won so many beauty awards for being the best mascara so I just assumed it must be really good but I have to say this was incredibly disappointing. I'm sure this must work for many people for it to be so popular but it just did not work for me. I tried both the Original and the Waterproof version and neither of these are for me. 

I actually quite liked the way the Waterproof version made my lashes look: it extended my lashes, separated them and generally they looked great. The big problem, which happened with both mascaras, was that they smudged terribly both above and underneath my eyes. I basically ended up looking like I had been in a brawl because I would have two black eyes from the mascara and that was what disappointed me the most. This was a theme of my mascara trial for the year, a lot of mascaras left massive smudges around my eyes. I do have to say I think the two Too Faced mascaras were the most problematic in terms of smudging out of all the mascaras I tried. Personally I wouldn't recommend this mascara but so many others do so as I said, it must work for some people. 

Trying both of the Too Faced Mascaras took me up to the start of May when I decided I could not use the Better Than Sex mascara for a Hen Party. All the other girls had their lashes done but I know if I were to get them done, I would want them done all the time so I wanted my lashes to look good and the Better Than Sex mascara was not doing it for me. I didn't want to buy a new mascara but luckily I had a sample of the Marc Jacobs Volume Noir Mascara which I decided to try. 

Turns out it was a good one to try as this worked so much better than the Too Faced mascaras. The Marc Jacobs mascara made my lashes look massive and gave them the big, bold look I had been after all year. Once again this did smudge on me but it was no where near as bad as the Too Faced one so this was instantly elevated to my top mascara of the year thus far. 

If you couldn't tell it takes a lot for a mascara to impress me and the first one to truly do that this year was the IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara. I received a sample from Alessandra Steinherr. Alessandra is a beauty guru who used to be a beauty editor for Glamour Magazine. I respect her opinion on beauty products and she has always raved about this mascara. The IT Cosmetics mascara was everything I wanted it to be. It gave me; massive lashes both in length and volume, it was jet black and it did not smudge! As I said in my full review, I couldn't believe it took me up until June to find a mascara I actually liked and which actually worked for me. This was definitely a stand out mascara for me.

I followed the Superhero mascara with the Benefit Badgal Bang Mascara which was incredibly disappointing. The Badgal Bang mascara was a massive launch this year which saw Benefit take practically every influencer on a trip to the Maldives for the launch. When it was first launched I wasn't too fussed about trying it but I knew I wanted to try it at some point this year. Previously I have tried and loved the They're Real Mascara and the Roller Lash Mascara from Benefit so I assumed I would love this one. However I did not!

From the marketing, I assumed I would love this as it was said to create big, bold lashes but it just did not work for me. It is one of those loose liquid mascaras so I found this created smudges all around my eyes and it didn't even make my lashes look good. I did love that this was jet black, and I mean jet black, but that was the only thing I liked about.

I continued to use the Benefit mascara and when it was finished I ended up trying another mascara I didn't particularly like. At the time of writing my review on the Clinique High Impact Mascara, I wanted to look for the positives within this mascara as I had used so many rubbish ones prior to this one. However since using the Clinique mascara I have used so many better mascaras which made me reflect on my thoughts on this mascara. When I wrote this review I wasn't as harsh as maybe I would have been if I had tried it now but looking back on it, this mascara really did not give me the lashes I like. I like a bold lash and this was not volumising enough. The main positive was that this mascara did not smudge too much which was the positive that I decided to hold on to. I would not buy this mascara and I would not recommend it. I tried this on a whim as I was already ordering from ASOS and this was the only one which intrigued me but I learnt a valuable lesson, only try mascaras that I have heard of before.

Things picked up a little bit after this with me liking all the mascaras I used after the Clinique one. The only truly drugstore mascara I have trialed this year was the L'Oreal Paradise Extatic Mascara which is in the running for best mascara of the year, alongside the IT Comestics mascara. This came at a good time as well, as I wore this mascara to my best friends wedding and I was actually really happy with the way my lashes looked. I didn't cry (apparently I have no emotions) so I can't tell you if it can withstand tears but my lashes looked amazing.

This mascara gave my lashes a similar look to the Superhero Mascara but I would say it was slightly more clumpy and extended. This only smudges a tiny bit around my under eyes and that was it. Considering this was one of the cheapest mascaras I tried, it was certainly one of the best. It just shows that spending more money doesn't always mean you will get a product you like, especially when it comes to mascara. If you are looking for a more budget friendly mascara, that is going to make your lashes stand out, this should be the mascara you are using.

After the L'Oreal mascara I sort didn't know what to try, I didn't have a whole lot of money and I was at a loss for inspiration but luckily the Glamour Beauty Club came through. Alongside a fragrance sample they had offered me, they also sent a mascara, the Noir Couture Volume mascara. I hadn't tried anything from Givenchy Beauty before so I was excited to try this. I would say this mascara was a bit of a success.

When I first tried this I thought it was going to be in the running to be number one, it made my lashes look amazing and it didn't seem to smudge but the more I wore it, the more it smudged. This automatically made it go down in my estimations. I loved the way my lashes looked but the smudging got progressively worse, it was no good in the end. However I would be intrigued to buy more Givenchy Beauty after trying this.

I didn't feel like the Givenchy mascara was an icon so I wanted to try something that had more of a positive reputation so I decided to order the Hourglass Caution Mascara as I had heard a lot about it. This had to be the best in terms of smudging, not even an ounce of mascara made it's way to my under eye area or my brow line which in itself is a miracle. However I wasn't overly sold on the way it made my lashes look.

Some days I could get this to look good but it definitely took quite a few coats of mascara and a lot of time to get my lashes how I wanted them. On average this didn't extend my lashes as much as I would want and I believe this had fibres in it so they must not have worked for me. For the price, I didn't think this mascara was worth it but it wasn't the worst mascara I have used this year. I did only buy the mini version and that was £12 which is a lot considering I can buy a full size L'Oreal Mascara for less and it makes my lashes look better.

To end the year, I have been using the Bobbi Brown Smokey Lash Mascara. In general I really haven't used that many Bobbi Brown products and when ASOS launched a Beauty Box collaboration with Bobbi Brown I made sure I got one. My favourite ASOS box this year was the Clinique box so I had hoped that the Bobbi Brown box would live up to my expectations. I know very little about Bobbi Brown but I know their products are supposed to enhance rather than change so I wasn't really that hopefully that this mascara was going to give me the mega lashes I like. Overall I would say this mascara was ok, it worked but it is nothing to shout about. It made my lashes look quite long but it took a lot of effort to get any form of volume. As predicted, it did not give me mega lashes.

The Rankings

In the end there could only be one winner and it is the IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara. I was left really impressed by the sample I received and it worked really well on my lashes. My only problem is that I can't just pop down to my local Boots to get a tube of this mascara, I will have to order it online but for good looking lashes, I am willing to order it. I have to say the L'Oreal Paradise Extatic Mascara is a close second; it is cheap, it gives amazing lashes and it is widely available.

I have to say other than these two mascaras, there were elements of each mascara I liked but the negatives outweighed the positives. This whole beauty trial had taught me a valuable lesson, I am picky with mascara and there is a reason for it. I tried 10 and only 2 of them worked, that is a 20% success rate which is pretty low. There are so many mascaras on the market but I know I need to look for ones with natural brissles opposed to plastic, ones with a thicker consistency and mascaras which have big wands. After this year long mascara trail, I am sort of glad it is all over and that when I find a mascara I can now commit to it rather than having to change each time.

My mascara discovery journey might be over but I have already thought of my new year beauty goal which I will be talking about in the New Year. For now if you can't get enough of my beauty goals, I actually had a second for this year which I will be talking about tomorrow!

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