Name: Jodie Marsh
Born: 23/12/1978 (Age: 33)
From: Essex, UK
Famous for: She's the poor man's Jordan
Relationship status: Single
Occupation : English media personality
Jodie Marsh was born in 1978, in the British town of Brentwood, Essex. While one wouldn't normally think that being a scaffolding contractor could be especially lucrative, it certainly was for Jodie's father John. Along with her mother Kris and younger brother Jordan, she benefitted from an affluent lifestyle.
From a young age, Jodie was sent to an expensive private establishment known as the Brentwood School. While she was a smart kid who earned good grades, her school years were made difficult by persistent teasing and bullying.
At the beginning of her career, Marsh often posed for magazines such as FHM, Loaded, Nuts and Zoo. Marsh was a page 3 girl for The Sun newspaper on six occasions. She also appeared in photo shoots for newspapers Daily Star, Daily Sport and News of the World. In June 2009, Marsh appeared on the cover of Zoo magazine. In November 2010, Marsh appeared on a special edition double cover for lads mag Zoo Weekly. In April 2009, Marsh posed for the UK edition of Playboy. In April 2011, Marsh completed a photoshoot for Zoo Magazine; she appeared on the cover of the magazine for a special "3-D" edition of the weekly.
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