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Word Association Time

Let's play word association!

This is for Pam over at Pamibe! What's yours, huh?

1. My treat:: What Obama says when he gives away my money
2. Bell :: A lady named Ma who has ripped me off like Obama, but not so much.
3. Five :: As in a 5 finger discount...what the IRS does to my profits.
4. You’re crazy :: Well, no shit, Sherlock!!! Works for me and Joe Biden!
5. Disgust :: Having an old shithead named McCain run as your Republican choice for President!
6. Tempest :: An old used car like the one Obama is trying to sell us in the form of health care.
7. Bummer :: Smoking some "Primo" dope on Sunset Beach with a prick named Barack and then seeing his old lady (Michelle) in a bikini.
8. Brim :: A Barack rim-job.
9. Hose :: As in hosed-down. Why are all these words about our government and it's leaders?
10. Lollipop :: Date night with Barney Frank.

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