April Fool's! Wait...what month is it??......
All of that might happen. And monkeys might fly out of my butt. Not to burst the hubs's bubble, buuuuuttttt the holidays aren't his forte. Birthdays get overlooked, anniversaries...meh, and Valentines...don't get me started on the disaster that was V-Day '05.
This year, I've decided to set the bar
My little ball of sunshine, I'm sure, will be on her best behavior. Mommy's little helper will nip arguments before they turn into body convulsing tantrums and, instead, say things like "Mommy, we're best buds. I wuv you."
On the flip side, being a mother is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and will never, ever be topped.
Random Fact: My daughter's name, Lilliana Hope, came to me in a dream. She was originally going to be Kameron, something, but my gut led me to (what I think) suits her perfectly. Calla Lilys are my favorite flower and HOPE is what she gives me, forever and ever.
Random Fact: The hubs tucks me in every night. I have a routine (hello OCD). He tucks me (please don't confuse "tucks" with something else...), lights out, door cracked. Then, usually, he lets me fall asleep first since I such a light sleeper.
Whew! Good feel-up today! Did you moisturize? I can tell. Now, onto awards.
Given to me by the lovely Carolyn V.
Passing it on to:
My lovely blog bud, Jen and I are having a battle of sorts. Every Friday. I was kind of stumped, being Mother's Day weekend and all. So, I give you Gram, dinosaurs and dragons.
Have an
Candyland. OUT.
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