We had visiting dignitaries at the farm today. On being presented to the local Mayor, the service user with whom I was working said, ‘All right, mate?’ Fortunately, the Mayor seemed a chap of kind humour and not at all hoity toity, as he smiled and replied, ‘Yes mate, I’m all right.’
The Mayor was accompanied by a lady High Sheriff. Or maybe the lady High Sheriff was accompanied by the Mayor, I really don’t know the correct hierarchy of these things. Anyway, I was disappointed she wasn’t wearing chaps, Stetson and spurs, with a massive star pinned to her tasselled suede waistcoat, and toting a pair of pistols in a low slung holster. Oh, she looked very nice, don’t get me wrong, in her smart black suit and a rather fetching hat garnished with a large ostrich plume, but I do feel she missed a comedy trick there.
This is the Lady High Sheriff of Shropshire. I do not know her name.
They didn’t stay long. And I was far more impressed by the visit we had last Thursday from Morrison’s because they presented us with doughnuts. If I was a High Sheriff or Mayor(ess) I would take cake with me on all my visits. I am very much of the opinion that one should never make visits empty handed. Did I ever tell you that a great-uncle of mine on my mother’s side was High Sheriff of Canterbury. For three terms! So it could happen. It might be genetic.
Moving on. Autumn Equinox today. Now, I’ve always been of the impression that equinoxes and solstices take place on the 21st of their respective months, and not the 22nd, but the calendars and diaries suggest otherwise. Never mind, the Autumn Equinox is here and the nights are drawing in now, there is no denying it. There is a definite sharpness to the air. Early morning mists. I expect the first frosts won’t be long in appearing, which reminds me - I need to bring in some houseplants from the courtyard where they have been enjoying the outside sun and rain, because I don’t want to go out one morning and find them done to death by a sudden cold snap.
Leaves are descending from the trees. It won’t be long before I have to embark on the Great Leaf Sweep Up 2020, but at least this year they will be going straight into the new raised beds in our current gardening project to produce several tonnes of beautiful compost before the new growing season 2021. Andy brought home three large sacks of horse manure this evening, donated by a work colleague. Well, their horse to be precise.
And that’s it today. Just a bit of generally waffle. A good day.
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